Web AdministrationFind Mode
To locate an entry or to list entries sharing a common name or attribute, use Find mode. To enter Find mode, choose it from the mode pop-up menu at the top right of all web administration pages, or from the pop-up menu on the login page.
Find mode displays a blank entry listing all attributes that exist in the directory. Enter values into one or more attributes. The values are treated as substrings. If you want an exact value, type an equal sign in front of the value ("=Smith").
If you enter values in several attributes, only entries that contain all the values are returned (this is a boolean AND of the values). Searches are not case sensitive. Accented letters in entries are a match for their plain text equivalents you enter in find mode ("e" finds "é," "ê," etc.).
When you have entered your search terms, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. ClickMail returns a list of entries that match what you entered (this is different from the local interface, which does not have a list mode). If no entries are found, the search page is returned so you can try again.
Find mode, finding entries whose last name is exactly "Flint" and whose city contains "rock".