Typing new entries into ClickMail
Instead of importing, you may create entries directly in ClickMail. You should already have completed Making a new directory, above.
- To open the Entry window, from the Database menu, choose Entries.
- Click the Add Entry button:
. An unnamed user entry appears.
- Tab to enter the first attribute, which is common name. Type in the full name of a person ("John Smith"). Typing is done in the edit field near the bottom of the window. Tab to the next field.
- Enter values for the attributes, skipping those you are not interested in. At a minimum, enter common name, first and last names, and email address. Entry type is filled in for you.
- Check your work, then click Save. Any unused attributes are removed from the entry.
- Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each person.
- When you are finished, from the File menu, choose Backup. This creates a backup copy of the two files that make up the directory database (a database file and a "keys" file). For the backup function to succeed, your database filename must be 18 or fewer characters. (To rename, quit ClickMail, rename both files in the Finder, then restart ClickMail and open with the new name.)
Your directory is ready for use!