From name: Your name as you want it to appear in the From field of emails.
From address: Your email address as you want it to appear in the From field of emails. For best results, use an email address that is associated with your outgoing mail server.
Outgoing mail server: This is the full host name (also called a domain name) or numeric IP address of your mail server running the SMTP protocol (the common protocol for outgoing mail). To use the MobileMe or Gmail server, select its radio button. For other servers, select Other and fill in the host name or address in the text field.
Server port: This is the email service port number on the mail server, commonly 25 for unencrypted email. For encrypted (SSL) email, port 465 is common. But Gmail use SSL with port 587. Your mail administrator may set a different port.
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): To encrypt email between Enclose and the outgoing mail server, check this and set an appropriate server port number. To use this your mail server must support SSL outgoing email. Note that this encryption is used only between Enclose and your outgoing mail server, and does not protect your email between that server and its destination. This setting adds security when you are using an insecure local network, such as a coffee shop wifi. (Most PGP Desktop users should turn this off, to let PGP handle SSL—see Encryption Setup.)
Authentication (popup menu): When a username and password are used to send email, this sets the protocol for sending them to your mail server. Your server must support the selected authentication method. “Password (plain)” does not encrypt your password and should be avoided, unless you are also using Secure Sockets Layer.
User name, Password: Your login credentials for outgoing email (SMTP). These may not be needed when the Internet connection you are using and the email service are from the same provider. For example, connecting to an ISP-provided email account from home. These are always required for MobileMe, Gmail, and anytime you are outside your provider’s network.
Note: When first run, email settings are copied from MobileMe or Apple Email settings when practical.