To send a file (using Enclose built-in email)

1.  Drag one or more file from the Finder to “Drag Files Here” in the main Enclose window.
Or, drag to the Enclose icon in the Dock (for other ways to drag, see text below this box).
Enclose begins uploading the file (unless the file is to be encrypted). An email edit form appears, containing the URL link to your file.

2.  Enter one or more TO recipients, just as in your regular email program. To lookup recipients from your Address Book, type part of a name, email address, or name of an Address Book group. To cancel auto-completion, press escape key ("esc").

Optionally enter CC and BCC recipients (to show the BCC field, click the popup menu icon under “Subject:”).

To enter multiple recipients in one field, type a comma after each one. To confirm a recipient and move to the next field, press the tab key. With the drop-down list showing, you can type the comma or tab as soon as the desired address is highlighted.

To use email addresses not in your Address Book, enter just the email addresses, separated by commas, or angle-bracket the email address after the name as shown here.

You can drag a previous recipient from the left side of the main window to any To/Cc/Bcc field.

3.  Add text to the body of the email, such as a greeting and notes about the file.

To use a different template, choose it from the popup menu icon under “Subject.”

4.  Click Send. If the file is not finished uploading, the email will be sent after the upload is successfully completed.        
You send a file by dragging it to Enclose’s main window. The “Drag Files Here” area is the obvious drag target, but you can drag to other parts of the main window that may be visible behind other windows. You can also drag to the Enclose application icon in the Dock, or in the Applications folder, or in the Finder’s Sidebar.

The main function of Enclose is to send a file to someone, by uploading the file and sending just a URL link to that person. The recipient clicks the link, and their web browser downloads the file.
Sending files - Basic