Looking up with a client program
Our overall goal is to look up addresses from an email client, so let's do that. You will need an LDAP-aware client program such as OS X Mail or Outlook Express. If you'd like to try Sherlock 2 or Network Browser with ClickMail, see our web site . If ClickMail is installed on an OS 8/9 Mac, note the IP address of that Mac (TCP/IP Control Panel), and run the client on a different Mac.
Next, open your client and follow our directions for OS X Mail 10.2, OS X Mail 10.1, or Outlook Express below. To try Eudora, Netscape Communicator, Mulberry, or QuickMail Pro, see the Client Programs chapter.
OS X Mail 10.2
- From the Mail menu, choose Preferences. Click the Composing tab.
- Check the box, Automatically complete addresses. Click the button, Configure LDAP.... Click Add.
- In the Server Info window, enter:
Name: ClickMail
Server: (IP address of the ClickMail server. If running on this same Mac, use
- Leave the rest of the window as is, and click Save.
- If any other servers are checked in the list, uncheck them during this exercise. Click Close.
- From the File menu, choose New Message.
- In the To field, type "flint" and wait a few seconds.
- Press the Tab key to choose the first name, or choose a name from the drop-down list.
OS X Mail 10.1
- From the Mail menu, choose Preferences. Click the Composing tab.
- Check the box, Lookup addresses in network directories. Click the button, Edit Server List.... Click Add Server.
- Double-click the new server's Service name, and replace it with "ClickMail".
- Double-click on the same line under Host name, and enter the IP address of the ClickMail server. If running on this same Mac, use
- If any other servers are checked in the list, uncheck them during this exercise. Click Close.
- From the File menu, choose New Message.
- In the To field, type "flint" and wait a few seconds.
- Press the Tab key to choose the first name, or choose a name from the drop-down list.
Outlook Express (OS 8/9)
- From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
- On the left side of the window, choose Directory Services.
- At the top, click the New Directory button. In the New Account window which appears, enter "ClickMail" (just for your reference). Click OK.
- In Server address, enter the host name or IP address of the Mac running ClickMail.
Examples: ldap.mydomain.com
- Click the Advanced button. Make sure Search base is empty, and all the checkboxes are unchecked. Click OK. Then Click OK to close the Preferences window.
Making changes to LDAP settings in Internet Config may alter your Outlook directory preferences and prevent it from working correctly. Leave Internet Config alone for now.
- On the left side of the Outlook Express window, choose ClickMail Directory. Under our name in nice large lettering, enter "Fred" in the Search for Name field. Click the Find button.
- Select a name in the list that appears, then click the Mail to: button. This opens a message to that person. Discard the message when you're done.
This concludes the test drive. The next section, Setting up a directory, guides you through the task of setting up your own data for access by your users.