Web Administration—Logging In



  1. Open your web browser and go to location cmweb/index.html on your web server. For example, if cmweb and clickmail.acgi are at the top level of your web folder, you would enter URL "http://www.myserver.com/cmweb/index.html". You may use a numeric IP address instead of the domain name ("").
  2. If web server has password protection set for the folder containing cmweb and ClickMail, you will see the standard web browser authentication dialog. Web folder authentication is separate from and unrelated to ClickMail Web Admin login and password, which is handled in a web page form. If required, log into the folder.
  3. The ClickMail Web Administration heading and information page appears. The information page contains directions for web administration functions. To open the information page in a separate window, click the heading link "Web Admin guide" such that you get the pop-up menu (Macintosh: click and hold). Choose "New Window with this Link" from the pop-up menu.
  4. Click the heading link, "Administer directory." This opens the login page, a web form containing several text entry fields and buttons.
  5. The ClickMail Server field contains the URL to the ClickMail program or alias. If you have installed as described above, the default value, "../clickmail.acgi" is the correct URL to open ClickMail.
  6. In Administrator's Distinguished Name, enter the distinguished name of your administrator entry, including any naming context. This entry must be listed in the member attribute of the administrators group entry (created above).
  7. In Password, enter the password for your administrator entry. ClickMail compares this to the password attribute in the entry under the distinguished name in step 6.
  8. From the pop-up menu, choose the first action you would like to take:
  9. If your directory contains special characters in any attribute (such as é, or £), you must tell ClickMail and your browser to use a special character encoding. Set your browser to Unicode (UTF-8) and check the checkbox on the web form for this encoding. Using this encoding prevents corrupting special characters when entries are edited.
  10. Click the login button. ClickMail validates your login and displays the page requested by the pop-up menu.

